The success of a community can be measured with beautiful grounds, well maintained homes and higher property values. Whether you are a young family, anticipating retirement or already retired Overbrook Shores is a great place to live. The residents make this a good community and are very cooperative in honoring the community’s covenants.
Overbrook Shores offers many advantages which are frequently overlooked.
- Overbrook Shores Homeowners Association (OSHA) maintains the two entrances into the community.
- OSHA built and maintains a boat ramp, dock and gazabo for residents who wish to use Red Mill Pond for recreational purposes.
- OSHA also maintains a parking area separate from the boat dock for residents parking vehicles and trailers while using the boat dock.
- The community does not offer a clubhouse; swimming pool; playground or tennis courts; which, enables OSHA to keep annual dues are among the lowest in Southern Delaware.
- Finally, our volunteer board saves residents a lot of money. Board members are residents who choose to be active in the community, donating time and effort for the good of the community.